PVC boční plachta na autoplachty

PVC boční plachta na autoplachty

PVC side curtain automobile tarpaulin is a polyvinyl chloride-based material that is used for the side curtains of trucks and other vehicles. It is waterproof, dustproof, sunproof, and wear-resistant. It is simple to put together and take apart because it is soft, lightweight, and available in a variety of colors and patterns. Please be aware that regular cleaning and maintenance are necessary to extend its longevity, as these factors are influenced by the usage environment and maintenance circumstances.


Popis výrobku

Vlastnosti produktu jsou:

Features: PVC side curtain car tarpaulin

Postup: Natírání
Materiál: PVC tkanina
Hmotnost: Přizpůsobitelné
Typ dodávky: Podporuje přizpůsobení
Teplota: normální teplota
Použití: Široce používané v pokrytí nákladních automobilů, lodí a tak dále
Color: Silver/customizable
Velikost: Přizpůsobitelné
Výhody produktu: ochrana životního prostředí, žádný zápach/vodotěsnost/odolnost vůči vysokým teplotám/odolnost proti stárnutí/skládání/snadné skladování/zahušťování, odolnost proti opotřebení/odolnost proti mrazu

Tarps for dump trucks and dump cars are marketed according to their width and length. It’s easy to figure out what size plachta is appropriate for your dump truck or dump trailer.

Measure your tarp roller bar (axle) first to find the width of tarp you require. All you have to do is measure the front roller bar from end to finish using a measuring tape and deduct 4 inches. In order to prevent the tarp from becoming caught in the roller bar, its breadth is smaller than that of the roller.

Choose one of our tarps with side flaps if your state mandates that the tarp’s sides be fastened down in order to maintain DOT compliance. To ensure that you can tie down your tarp to the dump truck using the tie down mechanism that best suits your vehicle, look for a tarp with sturdy hems and grommets on all sides. Measure the length of the dump body or trailer on your truck, then add two feet to find the amount of tarp you need. When necessary, the extra length of the tarp enables it to cover a piled load.



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