ПВЦ црни задњи флексибилни рекламни банер 440 гсм издржљив премаз

ПВЦ црни задњи флексибилни рекламни банер 440 гсм издржљив премаз

For strong and adaptable displays, the 440 gsm Coating PVC Black Back Flex Advertising Banner is a great option. This 440 gsm banner’s heavy weight provides excellent strength and a hassle-free, damage-free installation. It is a dependable option for prolonged outdoor campaigns because it is made for outdoor endurance and offers отпорност на временске услове for three to five years. While optional treatments like отпорност на пламен, anti-static qualities, anti-cold capabilities, and anti-mildew features increase its adaptability and acceptability for a range of applications, tailored special treatments make it flexible across numerous industries.


Опис производа

Карактеристике производа су:

1. 440 gsm PVC flexible advertising banner.
2. Color:White/Black; White/Grey is available.
3. Processor Types: Hot Laminated, Цолд Ламинатед, Semi-Coated.
4. Adopting unique procedures to fit into various industries.
5. Specialized Care on hand: Anti-static, anti-cold, anti-mildew, and flame retardant.



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